Several weeks ago Dale referred to something in Hosea that caught my attention. I've been dwelling in the book ever since. It's most intriguing as it's one of the books where God does a lot of direct, first person talking. It's heart wrenching as the main theme is His love and dealings with His unfaithful people. I finally made it to Chapter 14, the end, and discovered true GEMS.
I like taking a lot of information and boiling it down to something simple that I can understand and remember. This verse says it all to me. It is God talking about Himself in Hosea 14:8
"I am like a FLOURISHING juniper, your FRUITFULNESS comes from ME."
To flourish is to be in a vigorous state, to thrive. Fruitful is producing good results, abundant growth, being beneficial. If our fruitfulness comes ONLY from God how can we be fruitful if we are too busy to spend time with Him? If we don't spend time with Him how can we hope to know His ways?
Chapter 14 starts off with these words.
"RETURN, Israel to the Lord your God."
If you have drifted and allowed other things (work, travel, school, the internet) to take priority in your life, now is the time to return to the Lord. He says "Your sins have been your downfall". Verse 2 says we are to go to HIM with WORDS saying "FORGIVE our sins and receive us graciously." I am so thankful that God is a gracious (courteous, kind, pleasant) God. We are not to look to the world, things, idols, to provide for us (vs 3). God Himself is our provider.
God says "Who is wise? Let them realize these things...the WAYS of the Lord are RIGHT" vs 9
What are the WAYS of the Lord? His ways are simple not burdensome. They work.
- SPEND TIME WITH THE LORD Just you, Him, and your Bible in a quiet place. I am enjoying doing this first thing in the morning. I get up, grab my phone (my bible is on there)go right back to bed and start reading. The Bible is the living word of God, not like an ordinary book, and He speaks to you. Each morning is different and may include one or a combo of talking, listening, taking notes, looking things up. It is never boring. Some mornings I only have a short time others I can linger. But oh the things He shows me!
- GO TO CHURCH...EVERY SUNDAY It's so simple but something I see people neglect because they don't understand that investing yourself (not just "attending") in God's people, His body, is what makes them strong, encouraged, healthy, fruitful, flourishing. It is God's way. It's how He set it up. When you regularly put other things ahead of going to church and using the gifts God has given you to serve, you will not reap the benefits God has for you. You may try and justify your frequent absences and convince yourself you have good reasons to not go, or only "show up" once or twice a month, but sadly you are only kidding yourself. I have had the privilege of seeing faithful ones attending church and Bible studies over the course of decades and their rewards and example are so rich! They are blessed and a blessing.
- TITHE...we are to give 1/10 of our income to the church. This is minimal. If you make $50,000 $5000 of it goes to your church, set aside, to be placed in the offering each week. That's $96.15 a week. There are so many scriptures that are very specific about this. We are encouraged to go above and beyond the tithe because the more you give, time, talent, and money, the more you get blessed. When you honor God in this He honors you. When you don't, what you do have will be like a purse with holes in it. What you do have God will "blow away". Yep, it's in there!
So the choice is ours. Do we want to flourish and be fruitful in 2017? Do we want to do things God's way?
"Who is wise? Let them realize these things. Who is discerning? Let them understand. The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them."
May we choose God's way. May we choose a flourishing life! Happy New Year!
P.S. This photo was taken on the way home from church Sunday. This is the view as we crest the hill of the back road. Just gorgeous!
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