ACCSC stands for Advent Christian Conference of Southern California, the bible based group our church, CHATSWORTH LAKE CHURCH is thankful to be affiliated with. Once a year, around this time, we join our sister churches to fellowship and do the business of the church. This year we met at our group's God ordained CAMP MARANATHA, high in the mountains of Idyllwild.
We were thankful to have our Elder Gary and his wife join us.
The meeting was well led by ACCSC President Dave Crimi who has been serving the Lord in this capacity for 18 years.
Pastor Brad (San Diego) led us in communion with the help of Pastor Jack (Tustin), and Pastor Dale (Chatsworth).
The morning was spent listening to reports from the various churches and committees. It was most interesting. The Lord is moving mightily in our region. Some of the highlights were NATIONAL POWER OF CAMP SUNDAY coming up April 10...the 30 year anniversary of LINCOLN HEIGHTS TUTORIAL being celebrated April 2...Jody C's excellent report on her upcoming trip to Lebanon to work with Youth for Christ sharing the gospel with refugees...the annual March MARRIAGE RETREAT, and much more.
Before we knew it it was time for lunch. Camp Maranatha is known for it's delicious food and today's menu did not disappoint.
In all my life I have never seen Kool-aid look so good. How did they know ROSE QUARTZ is the fashion color of the year? LOL!
After lunch we met at the spacious and cool Eagle Mountain Lodge where the kids from Lincoln Heights Tutorial performed. Such talented kids! May they all come to know and follow the Lord!
Then it was back to the Oak Lodge for the INSTALLATION of OFFICERS, Ministerial Committee Members, and church Trustees.
I enjoyed taking this group pic to commemorate the occasion.
But even more this type of pic is what I live for! What a fun group we have!!!
When the meeting was over, it was nice to run into Pastor Raul (Arleta) and members of Iglesia de Gracia Divina.
After a thoroughly blessed day alas it was time to head down the mountain and back home.
"Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done." Revelation 22:12....The good news is you still have time to put your faith in Jesus. Seek Him today...
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