“The ransom of a man’s life is his riches,
But the poor does not hear rebuke.”
Proverbs 13:8
It can be easy to read a Proverb and miss the meaning. This is such a verse. After asking, researching and praying the message is quite simple and something to rejoice over.
The key is the word
A ransom is payment for release from prison.
If your life has been ransomed you are rich. There is only One who can ransom your life and set you free from every prison. His name is Jesus.
The poor on the other hand do not hear the
They are not interested in God’s ways so they remain eternally poor even though, on this earth, they may be monetarily rich.
Rich and poor in the kingdom of God are completely different than the world’s view. Something to think about during this Christmas season.
The One came humbly, poor in the world’s estimation. Yet He is exceedingly, abundantly rich and prepares a place for you when you have been ransomed by Him.
The ransom of your life is your riches.
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