Perhaps you feel the same way I do. aka “WHAT A WEEK!” “WHAT NEXT?” “WHAT IS HAPPENING?”
I have embraced the last 2 1/2 months of the “stay at home” order. It’s the first time in decades that I could go at my own pace, not having to be somewhere at a certain time. I have cherished my time in the chair, reading the Word, talking & listening to the Lord, looking out the window, leisurely.
Then as suddenly as it started the announcement was made. Retail stores, like mine, could open again effective immediately. So last Friday it was back to work in a place I love and have missed.
We weren’t sure what to expect as things around town have been very quiet. What an encouraging day it turned out to be with a steady flow of well wishers and shoppers. The best compliment and support you can give a small business is to purchase their goods. We were nicely complimented that day and I thoroughly enjoyed tying the colorful ribbons around each gift bag.
It felt so good to be back! But the very next day, Saturday, trouble again as the world watched in horror seeing riots, looting, and mayhem. This happening as we are reading 6 pages of detailed protocol to prepare for the opening of church on Sunday. Surreal!
Signs posted, masks on, disposable bulletins, and sanitizers in hand we opened the doors. PURE JOY! I cried as we sang “The Heart Of Worship”, thankful to hear our church family praising the Lord together again. Also devoured the message as Dale has begun teaching through the Revelation. Everything we are seeing happen before our eyes has been prophesied. It’s in the Book as well as what is coming. Clear as day.
The icing on the cake, or I should say cookie, happened UNDER THE PEPPER-BERRY TREE. When the abbreviated service was over we grabbed our chairs and headed to the shady spot under the tree. A gentle breeze was blowing as we gazed at a view of the chapel, above. We shared stories of our week, enjoying the fellowship.
And then came the surprise. A box of cookies with sprinkles. I saw them at Trader Joe’s and thought “I’ve got to try these!” I grabbed the box as we were leaving for church “just in case”. At the right time we shared them under the pepper berry tree. There was just enough for us all to have a taste. They were SO GOOD even more so as we got to experience them together.
The FELLOWSHIP of believers is so rich with blessings. It’s simple and the way the Lord has set things up. It’s hard to be encouraged when you are alone, at home. We need to be around the body of Christ regularly. It’s even more important in unsettling times like these.
“LORD, I have loved the habitation of Your house,
And the place where Your glory dwells.“ Psalm 26:8